It’s never too late to turn around…

Maybe there’s always time and will to turn back around…

In the movie, “WALL-E” we see another attempt to create an isolated dystopian world in the form of an enormous space ship through which the humans of that time leave the planet behind for a life full of luxuries. The spaceship as concept is sort of a utopia, no one has to work too hard or even get up to do anything, every talk is handled by robots, although we get to see the downside of having too many luxuries and comforts. People in the spaceship just turn basically into blobs that are incapable of doing anything by themselves. That is until they are shown again the beauty of the planet earth by the robot WALL-E, which then motivates them to come back to their planet.

Is A Utopia Even Worth It?

[Spoiler Alert] By the end of the show when we get to see the actual, “Good Place” or “Paradise” it for a moment seems perfect, all the wishes are always fulfilled in ways that aren’t even imaginable for us. From “Dog’s Joy” flavored ice-creams to constant 24/7 orgasms, it’s got it all. However, we then get to see that all the people there turn into mindless unfulfilled creatures because there’s no end, or contrast to the goodness of it. Because it’s so long, there comes a point where they get bored with everything there and actually start to suffer in the utopia itself until there is an end introduced to it. This not only invokes the question of whether a utopian world where there’s nothing bad is even a good thing itself but shows us how we actually do need a balance of negative things to be able to experience the positives.

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